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Cycle 10 Personal Development Therapies

Cycle A: “The Child Inside Me”

With Kelly Damigou
Spiritual and Angelic Therapist
Systemic Psychotherapist
Mental Health Consultant, Author

Cycle 10 Personal Development Therapies


The Personal Development Therapy Cycles are aimed at those of you who want to take a complete Self-Evolutionary Path. The reason for choosing this course is if you sincerely want to Heal the Inner Child from the wounds of the Past, to strengthen with Confidence and Positiveness the Adult and gain Self-control through New Consciousness and Knowledge.


The difference with a simple Psychological Approach, is that I personally work simultaneously with several Holistic Therapeutic Techniques, bringing movements to the Mental, the Subconscious, the Energy, the Mental, and the Spiritual Body, in order for the active information to be assimilated in all the bodies and the changes to come faster.

There Are Three Personal Development Cycles


Cycle A: “The Child Inside Me”

Cycle B: “Self Responsibility”

Cycle C: “Spiritual Awakening”

Since you are here, I am happy to present you the First cycle that we will start together.

Cycle A – “The Child Inside Me”


On planet Earth, the planet of Remembrance, we live through the illusion that we are just a body, trying to cover Survival and Security needs, but that is not our truth. The Truth is that the whole universe is inside us and Divine Creative Energy flows. So, we are Completeness, we are Love, we are Abundance, we are LIGHT.


But why don;t we feel that way? We have simply forgotten how incredible a psychic identity we are in your truth. In other words, we have forgotten that we are an eternal, beautiful, positive spirit and we are stuck in the wounds of our childhood, which also affect our Present as Adults.


In this childhood stage, incurable childhood pains, wrong childhood conclusions and active traumatic childhood experiences happend and are still activated in our field. Through this inner material we are often  overwhelmed by strong feelings of anger, criticism, injustice, rejection, fear and insecurity and feel that life is not on our side.


Respectively, in your adult life you may have created protection shields so that you do not get hurt again and behave with selfishness, apathy, coldness, hardness, etc. a. But behind all this, I assure you that there is simply a past experience of pain and the time has come if you choose to be free.


I want you to know that the Universe loves you. The Spirit in Loves. The Guardian Angel loves you with complete acceptance and selflessness for whatever you have done. Just your childhood experiences and impressions, have created a subconscious cassette that plays to this day and makes it difficult for you to take the Responsibility of your Self and life and create a positive reality


As Mercury the Triune has said, “As inside as well as outside.” Through this Spiritual Truth, together we will transform the past painful energy information from your mental, energetic, emotional and material existence. From the vibration you are in, your reality can certainly not change, except through a higher vibration, self-love and positivity and on this we will work TOGETHER with Love and Trust.

The 10 Treatments (With Differentiation of Treatments per case)

  1. Introduction & Recording from Current / Ancestor History – Open Folder
  2. Energy Pollution Clearance Individual Field & Energy Psychological Support
  3. Discovery Road of Life
  4. Discover & Self-Healing in Three main Pain Standards
  5. Therapeutic Review / Hypnosis in Pain Standards
  6. Connection with the Mental, Inner Child & Effective Communication
  7. Restoration Relationship with Mother
  8. Restoration Relationship with Father
  9. Balancing & Treatment in the Vital Energy Centers (Chakras)
  10. Cleansing Subconscious, Negative Energies, Future Therapy

The A Cycle of Personal Developmental Therapies, is a valuable Gift that you can make to yourself! If now Priority in your life is your Mental Release, Evolution, Health and Balance, I invite you to this course, which takes place live or remotely over a period of 5-8 months. (One or two treatments per month)

The A Cycle of Personal Developmental Therapies, is a valuable Gift that you can make to yourself! If now Priority in your life is your Mental Release, Evolution, Health and Balance, I invite you to this course, which takes place live or remotely over a period of 5-8 months. (One or two treatments per month)



Mobile: 6946 426298

Εmail : lovetruthlife1@gmail.com

Financial Contribution

Simply put your mail at www.lovetruthlife.gr and with your registration, you immediately become a Member of the Site and Receive your Gift.



Duration Lifetime or Remote Session: 1.30΄

Financial Contribution: 75 euros / Session

Alternatively as a complete cycle in two installments of 300 euros in two months

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